Barcode And Stickers Label
Barcode; It is the reflection of numbers with a certain system by using the method of changing the thinness, thickness and spacing with vertical lines called bars. Any set of numbers is represented by lines, these lines are perceived by the reader and it is understood which code number it corresponds to. The definition of these code numbers is in the computer or electronic safe where the reader is connected. Therefore, the reader can immediately identify the product by reading the bars on the barcode.
Purpose of Use of Barcode Labels:
Identification of products in computer or electronic safes quickly by means of a reader; It automatically ensures that the price, manufacturer, model, color, size of the product is understood and deducted from the stock or added to the stock automatically.
Materials Used for Barcode Labels:
Cardboard Labels, Self Adhesive Labels, Printed Fabric Labels.
Barcode Types:
There are barcode shapes in various structures and sizes according to the place to be used. These are the labels that contain the variables of the product (Article, Model, Color, Size, etc.) and facilitate the control of the manufacturer at all stages from the factory to the final consumer. It provides traceability.